Life of Pandit Ji


Pandit Ji (Phool Chandra Shastri), one of the foremost Jain scholars, was lifelong ardent follower of Pujya Varni ji. He was born in the village of Silawan, District Lalitpur on April 11th, 1901. Panditji did not let financial hardships and suffering/difficulties of life detour him from his path of self-knowledge. He achieved the pinnacle of knowledge and it is difficult to find an equal of him in the service of Jain literature. Panditji and his two contemporaries, namely Pandit Kailash Chendra Ji Shastri and Pandit Jaganmohan Lalji Shastri, were famously known as Ratnatrya (Three Gems) of Jain literature and philosophy. Pandit Kailashchandra ji wrote “I have acquired canonical knowledge only through reading the translations of original Jain scriptures (Agam) by Pandit Phoolchandra Shastri”. Pandit Jaganmohan Lalji observed about him, “Pandit Phoolchandra ji is only two years older to me in age but hundreds of years old in knowledge”.

There are three main canonical scriptures of Jainism. These are the detailed commentaries of Satkhandagam, namely Dhavla, Jai Dhavla, and Maha Dhavla. These manuscripts are written in Prakrit language and were kept hidden in temples of Karnataka for thousands of years. Panditji has been instrumental in making available/translating these manuscripts in Hindi, which are now published in 40 volumes. None could equal his mastery over these manuscripts. Due to the untiring efforts by Panditji and several other scholars, the knowledge in these scriptures enriched the life of millions.

Panditji was part of several social and political changes and reforms, some of which were initiated by him. He participated in the India’s freedom movement and took part in ‘Quit India’ movement and was jailed in 1941. He was an active member of Indian National Congress prior to Independence of India in 1947 from British rule. He was district level office bearer of Indian National Congress of Bina, Sagar, Solapur, and Amrawati congress committees. At Amrawati he held the post of Joint Secretary. He also participated in the Congress convention at Yavatmal, Pune and Natepute. Throughout his life he wore Khadi (hand-woven cloth) and promoted Swadeshi (indigenous). After independence of India in 1947, he quit politics and devoted his life in the service of Jainism and Jain literature.

Through many social movements, he opposed the evil practices and customs prevalent in Jain Society. Among his many achievements, right of entry of Dassa community (Outcasted from Jain society due to some event) into the temples is a landmark. He was a great champion of temple entry for the lower caste people and write extensively in its support. This movement culminated in the passing of ‘The Harijan Temple Entry Act’ on January 26th, 1950 despite great resistance. Panditji supported the bill through his writings. He reminded people that Jain society and culture, and teachings of Jainism do not believe in the Cast system at all. He opposed the avoidable expenditure in the name of religion, especially on ‘Gajraths’ (a religious procession led by elephants).

In his lifetime, Panditji established several institutions and worked for their development. A list of these Institutions is included in a later part. Panditji was an epitome of simple living and high thinking. Humility was deeply ingrained in his nature. Despite his stature, arrogance did not touch him at all. He was ever ready to extend helping hand to one and all. He had a soft corner for poor students and taught several of them in a self-less manner and made them self-reliant and independent. Establishing the Sanmati Jain Niketan at Naria was a part of these efforts. He was a self-respecting man and stood unfazed in face of stiff opposition.

Teaching and other works

  • 1924~1928 : Lecturer, Jain darshan, ‘Kashi Hindu Vishwvidyalaya’ (Banaras Hindu University, BHU) and Syadvad Digambar Jain Mahavidyalay, Varanasi.
  • ~1930 : Principal, Jain Mahavidyalaya, Bina
  • 1937~1940 : Co editor, Shatkhandagam, Jain Sahityodharak Nidhi (Fund), Vidisha M.P., from Amravati
  • 1941~1983 : Editor, Kashaypahud, Shri Digambar Jain Sangh, Mathura, from Varanasi

After this, he took retirement from formal positions and continued to serve Jain Canonical Literature unabatedly as a freelance writer.

Political and Social Work

  • 1926~42 : Member of Indian National Congress
  • 1928~33 : Office Bearer, District Congress Bina and Sagar
  • 1933~38 : Office Bearer, District Congress Solapur
  • 1938~40 : Joint Secretary, Amrawati District Congress
  • 1942: Imprisoned for participating in ‘Quit India’
  • Obtained the Right to worship for Dassa community (an outcast community) at the Kurawli convention of Parwar Jain Society.
  • Opposed the extravaganza and avoidable expenses in functions like ‘Gajrath’ and supported the use of the money to spread the Jain canons and literature instead.

Important honours and awards

  • Elected as President of Digambar JainVidvat Parishad (All India Scholastic Society), Dronagiri in 1955.
  • Conferred title of ‘Siddhantacharya’ by Dr. Anantshaynam Ayangar, Governor of Bihar at the Diamond Jubilee Celebration of ‘Jain Sidhhant Bhawan’ Aara in 1962.
  • Conferred ‘Siddhant Ratna’ by Hon. Vice President of India, Dr. B.D. Jatti, on the occasion of ‘2500th Nirvana Mahotsav’ celebration of Lord Mahavir.
  • Felicitation by Jain society for his exemplary lifetime achievements and release of special ‘Felicitation volume’ dedicated to him and his work in august presence of Achary Shri Vidyanand ji Muni in 1985 in a function held at Indore.
  • A silver plaque presented to him in 1987 by ‘All India Digambar Jain Mahasangh’
  • Honoured by ‘Prakrit Gyan Bharti Award’ in the august presence of ‘Swasthi Shri Charukeerti Bhattarak Maha Swamiji’ at the first ‘National Prakrit Conference, Bangalore’ in 1990.
  • ‘All India Mumukshu Samaj’ presented him with a sum of Rs 1 Lac  in 1990 at the Jaipur Panch Kalyanak Pratishtha. This was used by his son, Prof. Ashok Kumar Jain, Roorkee, to establish the SSPS Foundation in his memory.

Institutions Established

  • Founding member and first working Joint-secretary of ‘All India Digambar Jain Vidvat Parishad’, 1944.
  • Founding member and Secretary ‘Shri Sanmati Jain Niketan, Naria, Varanasi’ 1946.
  • Founding Joint secretary and Editor ‘Shri Ganesh Prasad Varni Jain Granthmala, Varanasi’ 1944
  • Founding member, ‘Shri Ganesh Varni Inter College, Lalitpur, UP’, 1946.
  • Founder, ‘Shri Ganesh Varni Digambar Jain (Research) Institute, Varanasi, 1972.